COVID-19 Information & Resources
Programs & Services Return To School Manuals Instructional Resources Health & Safety Protocols COVID Communications
LADSE Mission for the 2022-23 School Year
LADSE’s mission is to provide the highest quality of special education to students with disabilities. This mission has not changed due to onset of the COVID-19 pandemic but it has dramatically impacted how and where we provide services to our students. The information and resources on this page are intended to provide information to our community on how LADSE has addressed the significant safety concerns COVID-19 has created. As part of this information, LADSE will update weekly the number of positive staff and student COVID-19 cases and the number of staff and students in self-quarantine due to school exposure. Please note also that LADSE protocol mandates that all students and staff members self-quarantine from a classroom if there is a positive case identified. In other words, everyone in the room is considered a close contact if they were present for at least 15 cumulative minutes across the day. This has led to increased numbers of self-quarantine contact if they were present for at least 15 cumulative minutes across the day. |