LADSE staff can use the following links to access the required Health & Safety and HR videos.
LADSE staff can use the following links to access the required Health & Safety and HR videos.
Please complete the following feedback form for each session viewed asynchronously.
Staff will need to choose at least one of the following sessions to attend or watch asynchronously. After in-person sessions are completed, recorded presentations will be linked below.
- Zoom For Synchronous Instruction (PDF Version)
- Using Zoom, Google Meet & Synchronous Activities on iPads (PDF Version)
- Engage Students with Google Slides Activities (PDF Version)
- Visuals: Teaching Parents & Staff How to Make, Model, & Use Visuals (PDF Version)
- Google Forms for Daily Check-Ins, Formative Assessments and Feedback (PDF Version)
- Case Management Coordination for Related Services
- Virtual App Smackdown: Share What Worked (PDF version)
- Creating & Sharing Videos (PDF version)
- Chromebooks & Accessibility
- Seesaw for Educators-Basics and Q & A (PDF Version)